
Village Hall

Located on Chestnut Avenue, the St Catherine's Village Hall offers a 96-seat main hall and a smaller committee room. There is ample parking, and room hire rates compare very favourably with other similar facilities in the vicinity. 

The venue is home for a host of activity groups. Check out their website and notice board for more information.

Notice Boards

There are 4 public noticeboards within the St Catherine's area which are used to display information on local events:

Local Groups

New Residents Welcome Guide

Around 2020 the SCVA created a Welcome Guide for new residents which is now in its second edition. It is available to hand out to new residents as hard copy booklet, available from each Committee Member. It goes without saying that we also created a downloadable version which is here.

The Welcome Guide is full of useful local information of the sort you’d always wanted from day one as you’d moved in – and it’s all in one place, written by residents for residents. Subjects include leisure spots and attractions, art and architecture, history, and (of course) day-to-day practical information. 

Bin Collection Calendar 2025

Surrey County Council (SCC) no longer send the bin collection calendar to residents through the post due to budget cuts, so this is a big 'thumbs up' for our local Lib Dem Councillors who have provided – and hand-delivered – this calendar to all Guildford residents. You should have received this card, but in case you didn't, here is a downloadable version.